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Sunday, May 26, 2013

DVD drive disappered in Windows 8 . Get it back now

I have recently installed Windows 8 . Before installing windows 8 I used windows 7 . Everything was alright with windows 7 . But after installing windows 8 I faced so many problems . On of the major problem is that my DVD drive was totally disappeared after reboot . Then I searched in Google why my DVD drive was disappeared . I saw in Google search results that many of windows 8 users are facing this problem . Then I searched it's solution on Google and fixed the problem . I think new windows 8 users will also face this problem . For that I am giving the solution how to get your DVD drive back .

 First open COMMEND PROMPT in administrator mode . For opening COMMAND PROMPT in administrator mode first click on the search from start menu . Then all your apps will be appeared . Find out the COMMAND PROMPT followed by the category Windows System . Click on the COMMAND PROMPT with right click of your mouse . Then some options will appear . There you will find a option named Run as administrator . Click on it . Then your COMMAND PROMPT will start as administrator . If you did everything as I said then we ready to go on next step .

Then copy the following code given below .

reg.exe add "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\atapi\Controller0" /f /v EnumDevice1 /t REG_DWORD /d 0x00000001

Now paste it on COMMAND PROMPT and hit enter . If everything is OK then you should see a message like this .

Your operation is completed successfully .

If you have seen a message like this then close the close the COMMAND PROMPT and reboot your computer . That's it . Now see your DVD drive is back .

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